5-Minute Pomodoro Break Ideas

1 min readFeb 25, 2021

The Pomodoro technique is a excellent way to achieve productivity and focus in a school or work environment. Here are some ways to detox and refresh during a short break of a Pomodoro session.

Tip: Avoid using your break to check social media, play a phone game, or text a friend. You’ll find it much harder to stick to your designated break session, and the time is much better used stepping away from all electronics, to give your brain a detox.


Go on a short walk

Take a few deep breaths of air on your front porch

Do a quick yoga session

Do some chair stretches— no one says you HAVE to get up

Staying Productive

Complete a shorter task on your to-do list — keep the productivity coming!

Do the dishes — they have to get done anyway

Start a load of laundry

Write a quick note or letter that you’ve been putting off


Fill up your water bottle

Use the restroom

Find a quick and healthy snack — find something with protein!

Remember to stick to your designated times for the best amount of productivity! Good luck, and have a wonderful and productive rest of your day!




“I kept always two books in my pocket: one to read, one to write in.” — Robert Louis Stevenson